There is no compromising on quality

We accept no compromises with regard to the quality of our products at every stage of the value chain. To this purpose we apply a variety of tests, thus always keeping an eye on quality and work permanently toward further optimization.

Errors are there to be eliminated

We all know that errors are often not immediately obvious. That's why we do everything we can to avoid them right from the start. We use the zero-error approach, which is applied throughout the company and places the focus on the quality of our work, our products and our services.

Striving for quality

Potential sources of error are analysed and intercepted in the context of product development. We achieve this by applying proprietary preventive quality tools, which we have developed for this purpose. However, also after reaching serial production we continuously monitor the quality of our products and permanently improve them. In this process we gladly accept the suggestions of our customers and learn from the experience of others.

Quality products

KOSTAL uses only components from suppliers certified according to our high quality standards.

  • In order to achieve our quality goals, the capabilities of all employees with respect to customer- and quality-focused ideas and action are constantly further developed and refined.
  • Our managers are role models for their employees. They must formulate clear, achievable goals and assist their employees in realizing these goals. They are responsible for making sure these goals are achieved.
  • Obtaining international quality certificates and quality awards is the declared goal of the company in the effort to prove the international competitive abilities of KOSTAL.
  • We generate customer-specific solutions in direct dialog with our customers. In the process, the quality of the communication with our customers is of particular importance. That means that we only present our customized proposals after detailed analysis and project related discussions with our clients. We also ensure that each customer has a contact who can answer their questions clearly and competently.